How Often Do We Meet and How Do I Set Up My First Appointment?
I commonly work with people on a weekly basis. Use the “request appointment” button at the top right of this page and schedule a time to connect and get to know each other. You will find an option for “free consultation” and a scheduling calendar to choose a time that works well for you.
Will Therapy Be Covered By Insurance?
It depends on which insurance carrier you work with, and whether or not you have out-of network benefits.
It is important to know that at this time, I only accept Regence and Blue Cross, which means for any other carrier, reimbursement will require you to submit claims to your insurance provider.
Some insurance companies will reimburse you for costs related to attending therapy, while others will not.
I require you to pay all fees upfront and I provide every client with a monthly statement at the beginning of the following month. The monthly statement, called a superbill, is a statement of all the fees paid, services provided, and other necessary information.
If you choose to allow your insurance company to contribute payment to your treatment, you should know that they are allowed access to your clinical records.
How long should I expect to be in therapy?
There really isn’t a simple answer to this because, in the end, therapy is a gift you give yourself. The benefits of therapy multiply and show up in ways you might not have imagined, and very well could have you desiring more. In the end, you choose how long you want to continue therapy because we are addressing things you want to work on, uncover, polish, or accomplish. You call the shots, I would never recommend anyone be in therapy who doesn’t choose and have their own well-intentioned meaning for being there.
Cancellation / Missed Appointment Policy
Scheduling your spot requires you to enter your credit card information, and you will be charged automatically at the conclusion of the session. Cancellations require a 48-hour advance notice, or your credit card will be charged.
Where Did You Receive Your Training?
I am a graduate of Prescott College, Prescott Arizona where I received my BA in Human Psychology and Behavior, and my MS in Counseling. I hold my License in Clinical Professional Counseling in the states of Montana and Idhao. I received my certificate in Happiness Coaching from Leslie Villelli, in Sandpoint, Idaho. I spent two years studying and receiving certificates in Circling and Authentic Relating at the Integral Center, in Boulder Colorado. I received my certificate in the Psychology of Eating from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and I received my holistic health coach training from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I have completed my 200 hour yoga teacher certificate and am currently studying Somatic Experiencing, in year 2 of the 3 year program.
Are Telephone / Skype Sessions Available if I Am Not Able to Make My Appointment in Person?
Yes, telehealth is always an option for your session; please request this when scheduling your appointment here.
What Are Your Hours?
Monday through Friday 9-5, please use the “Request Appointment” button to find a day and time that work for you.
What Is the Timeframe of When I Can Expect to Hear Back From You When I Leave a Message?
Emails will be responded to on working office days, within 48 hours of receiving (ex: if received Friday through Sunday, by the following end of day Tuesday).
Contact Me
Email or call to set an appointment or request an initial consult.
I look forward to connecting.